To continue our rich legacy of service, the Clara White Mission depends on those caring and generous enough to help us achieve our goals. To continue offering our wealth of invaluable programs, we need the support of those whose hearts are moved by the face of a hungry child or the determination of a dispossessed family to turn their lives around. Please help us continue our work today and in the future.
At the Clara White Mission, we believe that those in need have a claim on all of us for our kindness and compassion. With our comprehensive programs, the Mission depends on the generous supports like you, whose hearts go out to those that less fortunate. Please support our 120 year legacy any way you can.
Operating the Clara White Mission takes approximately two-million dollar per year. We depend on you for much of that funding. Your gift goes toward helping those in need to achieve valuable, productive lives when they have nowhere else to turn. We ask you to look into your heart and join us in restoring dignity to the lives of so many.