What We Do

The mission of the Clara White Mission is to prevent and reduce homelessness thorough advocacy, housing, job training and employment, working in partnership with the community. Our programs are all united in our goal to assist at-risk individuals return to dignity and productivity.


Few things mean more to homeless individuals than a clean, welcoming place to live while restoring their lives. The Clara White Mission provides housing for veterans while working to help them achieve permanent housing and independent living within. Our transitional housing and on-site Drop-In Day Center are facilities focused on providing resources to assist homeless, low-income veterans in need.

The goal of the Clara White Mission’s transitional housing program is to move homeless participants to permanent housing and independent living within 24 months. Priority is given to veterans; maintaining a residency rate of 75% veterans.

Residents are required to:

  • Be employed or currently enrolled in school.

  • Participate in case management and life-skills classes.

  • Complete a mental health assessment and engage incmental-health counseling as indicated.

  • Complete a health assessment with the nurse.

  • Maintain sobriety and participate in substance abuse education classes and support groups, as required.

Our transitional/permanent housing program provides housing for 36 veterans, male residents on-site and coordinates off-campus housing for our female students. During fiscal year 2006-07, 85 people were housed, with one percent remaining in housing for less than one month. Twenty percent were with us from one-to-two months, 51% from three-to-six months, 17% from seven-to-twelve months, and 11% were enrolled for more than 13 months.

CWM Food Pantry

Our team hands out boxes of food 3 times a week to help individuals and families in need. As a nonprofit, we rely on donations from farmers, retailers, government programs, local organizations, and the community. Types and quantities of product change based on availability, seasonality, and government grants. While our offerings are subject to change, we strive to provide well-rounded, healthy options for your family.

Paperwork is requested from each person we assist in hopes of understanding the impact of our services and may look more like a survey. This paperwork is used to update our operations and better serve you.

If you ever feel uncomfortable with what is being asked or would like clarification on use of information, please do not hesitate to ask for a staff member or volunteer in charge at any pantry.

Meals 2 Go

The Clara White Mission’s “soup kitchen” service provides hot meals to the homeless population 5 days a week.

Lunch Grab and Go:

New hours are Monday and Tuesday from  10:00AM  to 11:30AM

613 West Ashley  Street , Jacksonville Fl 32202

Clara White Mission Food Pantry Hours:

Tuesday: 9:00AM to 10:30AM
Wednesday: 9:00AM to 10:30AM
Thursday: 9:00AM to 10:30AM

In accordance with federal law and U. S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20290-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Job Training

The Clara White Mission’s one-stop community-development center restores and builds lives through our job training, employment placement, housing initiatives and more. Our 20-week Culinary and Janitorial curricula are designed to offer students an opportunity to practice their skills in an environment that will prepare them for a career in these industries. Our programs were developed for men and women 18 years of age and older with a priority focus on veterans. The program curricula are based on a prototype developed for Clara White Training Center. The training program is certified by the Florida Department Commission of Independent Education.


20 Weeks – 600 Clock Hours

Combining intensive hands-on production with lectures to reinforce kitchen learning, this program provides students with a broad range of culinary experiences. Graduates will be able to secure entry to mid-level employment in the food service/hospitality industry. The program introduces students to the history of cooking and services, basic food preparation, menu development and culinary math. Students will learn commercial cooking and service, front and back of the house skills through catering, special events and restaurant operations.


The Clara White Mission Culinary Arts / Janitorial-Environmental Program provides students with a broad range of educational experiences, combining intensive hands-on job training, with classroom instruction to reinforce learning. Upon completion of program, graduates have the necessary skills to secure entry to mid-level employment. Curriculum for both vocational training tracks has been certified by the State of Florida Commission of Independent Education.



20 Weeks – 600 Clock Hours, plus internship

Combining theory training for job knowledge with hands-on training that complements the learned theory with skill adeptness, this program builds skills that are necessary for advancement in the profession. The 460 hour janitorial training program will provide comprehensive instructions in commercial cleaning, academic and practicum aspects, in addition to providing customer relations and management skill development.